Where and how to find your ScopusAuthorID?


ScopusAuthorID is the author’s unique number in the Scopus database. In order to recognize it, you must have a scientist profile in Scopus. It is created automatically when a scientist has 2 or more works that are indexed in Scopus. A scientist can’t register it or create it yourself; this happens automatically.

Next, go to the site Scopus on the tab «Search for authors»

Use the search in the key fields «Author last name» and «Author first name», the search must be done in English, the surname and first name should be indicated as they were indicated in the indexed publications. If your Scopus profile is associated with the ORCID profile (just having an ORCID registration is not enough), you can find your profile by the ORCID number using the search field below.

In the search results you need to select your profile and click on your Author last name. Your Scopus profile will open for you. On the left under your name and surname will be the term «Author Identifier», the number that is indicated in it and is your ScopusAuthorID.