Industrial enterprises mathematical operation modeling and financial flows formalizations


  • Богдан Вікторович Мисник Cherkassy State Technological University Shevchenko boulevard 460, Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18000, Ukraine



artificial life, neuron nets, evolution modeling, artificial systems


Industrial enterprise (IE) is influenced by many factors such as environment, operation factors and dynamics. One cannot take in account of all such factors quantity, since the value of many of them is error determined, so a great amount of considered factors make serious miscalculations. Such particularities show the urgency to apply new methods approach to the process modeling of industrial enterprises functioning.

The results of previous analysis show that amongst all the evolutionary paradigms the idea of “Artificial Life” is the best to correspond the task of complex artificial systems modeling.

The suggested model includes the foundations of modern economical mathematics models functioning, with changes made to integrate the principles of “artificial life” idea.

The set of investigated enterprise operation factors is the result of modeling.  Prediction is the aim of the certain set of enterprises work modeling. This gives us an opportunity to investigate a new enterprise life or to glance to the horizon to see the prospect of existent industrial enterprises on condition of competition

Author Biography

Богдан Вікторович Мисник, Cherkassy State Technological University Shevchenko boulevard 460, Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18000


Department of Mechanics, Printing Machines and Technologies


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How to Cite

Мисник, Б. В. (2013). Industrial enterprises mathematical operation modeling and financial flows formalizations. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(4(63), 57–60.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects