Model of adiabatic nitration of aromatic compounds


  • Сергей Алексеевич Кондратов Institute of Chemical Technology Volodymyr Dahl’s East Ukrainian National University Lenina street 31, Rubezhnoye, Luhans'ka oblast, 93010, Ukraine
  • Анна Александровна Красильникова Institute of Chemical Technology Volodymyr Dahl’s East Ukrainian National University Lenina street 31, Rubezhnoye, Luhans'ka oblast, 93010, Ukraine



adiabatic nitration, aromatic compounds, benzene, stationary process, wastes, computer simulation


The article discusses the use of modern computer simulation techniques for the analysis and search of the best variants of an industrial process organization.

The main objective of the study is to develop a mathematical model of the adiabatic nitration of aromatic compounds. The use of modern methods of computer simulation for the adiabatic nitration will reduce energy consumption and amount of wastes.

The article presents a developed computer simulation model of stationary continuous adiabatic nitration. It permits to describe the process of nitration and removal of excess of heat by distillation of a part of the reaction mass.

The properties of the model were studied, the speed of convergence was determined. On the example of the nitration of benzene, it was shown that the process temperature, predicted by the model was close to the data.

The results of the research can be applied in practice for the design problems and optimal organization of the process

Author Biographies

Сергей Алексеевич Кондратов, Institute of Chemical Technology Volodymyr Dahl’s East Ukrainian National University Lenina street 31, Rubezhnoye, Luhans'ka oblast, 93010

Dr. Sc. (chemistry), Professor

The head of the department of mathematics and computer technologies

Анна Александровна Красильникова, Institute of Chemical Technology Volodymyr Dahl’s East Ukrainian National University Lenina street 31, Rubezhnoye, Luhans'ka oblast, 93010



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How to Cite

Кондратов, С. А., & Красильникова, А. А. (2013). Model of adiabatic nitration of aromatic compounds. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(6(63), 16–20.



Technology organic and inorganic substances