The effect of сhronological factors on physical performance


  • Людмила Антонівна Васьковець National Technical University ‘Kharkov Polytechnic Institute’ Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Марія Олександрівна Глущенко National Technical University ‘Kharkov Polytechnic Institute’ Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



chronological factors, effect, physical performance, biorhythmological control


The paper presents the results of research of chronological factors effect on physical performance for their use in vocational guidance and occupational selection. The assessment of factors effect has been carried out based on questionnaires, analysis of information sources, physical activity experiments, physiological and statistical methods. Information concerning annual and long-term statistics of sports achievements of Ukrainian highly qualified runners and world strongest athletes was summarized. It was shown that runners achieve the best results in the first months of individual year, and the worst – in the last months. The results of experiments on endorhythm phases effect on the youth`s physical performance were proposed. It was determined that macroendorhythms are the most promising for occupational selection. Tests for self-control of biorhythmological processes were designated. The obtained results allowed identifying additional endogenous effects on physical performance. They can be used for forecasting the sports achievements with lower physiological efforts.

Author Biographies

Людмила Антонівна Васьковець, National Technical University ‘Kharkov Polytechnic Institute’ Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002


Department of labor and environment protection

Марія Олександрівна Глущенко, National Technical University ‘Kharkov Polytechnic Institute’ Frunze 21, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002


Department of materials-study


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How to Cite

Васьковець, Л. А., & Глущенко, М. О. (2013). The effect of сhronological factors on physical performance. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(10(64), 4–8.