Synergetic synthesis of hierarchical control system of sugar factory technological complex


  • Володимир Іванович Заїка National University of Food Technologies, Str. Vladimirskaya, 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033, Ukraine
  • Василь Дмитрович Кишенько National University of Food Technologies, Str. Vladimirskaya, 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033, Ukraine



mathematical model, aggregate regulator, ADAR method, hierarchical system, sugar production


Technological defecosaturation complex consists of processes of physical and chemical treatment of diffuse juice with active substances, and physical purification of compounds. Determination of rational liming and diffuse juice saturation control modes is the primary task for modern management systems.

The paper considers the application of method for analytical design of aggregated regulators for control over the diffuse juice defecator.

The developed hierarchical control structure enables to divide technological process into separate operations and identify control channels.

The synthesis of control laws was carried out. The effect of driving and controlling parameters was defined.

The results of research, with some modifications, can be applied for the synthesis of control laws of sugar production technological operations.

The suggested solution of the problems of multi-criteria vector control will promote higher indexes of stability and efficiency of technological processes control systems

Author Biographies

Володимир Іванович Заїка, National University of Food Technologies, Str. Vladimirskaya, 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033

Graduate student

Department of automation of management processes

Василь Дмитрович Кишенько, National University of Food Technologies, Str. Vladimirskaya, 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033

Candidate of technical sciences, professor

Department of automation of management processes


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How to Cite

Заїка, В. І., & Кишенько, В. Д. (2013). Synergetic synthesis of hierarchical control system of sugar factory technological complex. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(2(64), 46–51.



Industry control systems