Model of the polymer melt flow


  • Виталий Валерьевич Леваничев East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Kv. Molodegnyi, 20а, Lugansk, Ukraine, 91034, Ukraine



non-Newtonian fluid, rheology, flow model, relaxation, polymer melt


The model of polymer melt flow has been developed and the equation of full rheological curve of non-Newtonian fluid without empirical power-law dependences has been first obtained. It is assumed that in a steady mode mainly a plug flow can be developed and rheological curve is a change in the melt geometry at the wall area due to the melt relaxation decrease at higher flow rates. The non-Newtonian flow area is formed when the flow and relaxation rates are approximately equal.

The non-Newtonian flow occurs in the areas of low and high shear rates, with decreasing interaction of flow and relaxation processes. The equation allows estimating the transition points (viscosity and shear rate) between the flow areas. It is shown that the effective contact area is decreased faster than the shear stress is increased, so the viscous friction force is reduced at the non-Newtonian flow area.

The model enables to study the interaction at the wall area of the flow, it is important for extrusion high-speed processes, in small-scale production with frequent readjustments and composition changing

Author Biography

Виталий Валерьевич Леваничев, East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Kv. Molodegnyi, 20а, Lugansk, Ukraine, 91034

Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent

Department of Systems Engineering


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How to Cite

Леваничев, В. В. (2013). Model of the polymer melt flow. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(7(64), 39–41.



Applied mechanics