Basic characteristics of the project «Accession campaign of high school»




project, university, admission campaign, benefit, value, performance, life cycle, , resources, risk


A project-oriented approach to the university admission campaign is offered in the paper. A systematic understanding of a project- oriented university was developed, and the possibility of a design approach to an admission campaign was substantiated. The essence and benefits of main stages of the project life cycle were defined.

The project benefit is the current admission. As the value, a financial result of an admission campaign, related to the payment for educational services, was defined. A methodological approach to estimating planned and actual values of the “University admission campaign” project was developed.

At the final stage of the project life cycle it is suggested evaluating the performance, i. e. the correspondence of an actual student admission rate to the planned one. The formula for evaluating the project performance, providing the equivalence of professions, forms and educational levels, as well as their university differentiation, was worked out.

Author Biography

Олег Владимирович Логинов, Odessa National Maritime University str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65011


Department  " Organization of customs control on transport "


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How to Cite

Логинов, О. В. (2014). Basic characteristics of the project «Accession campaign of high school». Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(3(67), 42–47.



Control processes