Analysis of possibility of hydrometallurgical processing of lead-containing sludges


  • Ольга Вадимівна Кубякіна Zaporozhia state engineering academy ave. Lenin, 226, Zaporozhia, Ukraine, 69006, Ukraine
  • Вікторія Миколаївна Косенко Zaporozhia state engineering academy ave. Lenin, 226, Zaporozhia, Ukraine, 69006, Ukraine



lead dust, battery scrap, roraty kiln, sodium carbonate, lead-containing sludge


The main world trends of obtaining lead by processing lead-containing dust were studied, the main advantages and disadvantages of these methods were defined. The composition of coarse and fine dust, which is formed during lead raw material smelting and essential elements, which are lost with them, was given. It was found that the low-temperature processes, i.e. sludge processing using hydrometallurgical methods are the most promising for fusible and toxic lead. The method, which consists of two stages of sludge processing: hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical, was proposed. A thermodynamic analysis of the process under study was carried out, the results of which showed that conducting the process of lead-containing sludge processing according to the given technology improves the cost-effectiveness of the process by reducing costs for equipment and electric heating. 

Author Biographies

Ольга Вадимівна Кубякіна, Zaporozhia state engineering academy ave. Lenin, 226, Zaporozhia, Ukraine, 69006

The student group МК-13-1с
Metallurgy of the nonferrous metals department

Вікторія Миколаївна Косенко, Zaporozhia state engineering academy ave. Lenin, 226, Zaporozhia, Ukraine, 69006

Candidate of engineering’s sciences, associate professor

Metallurgy of the nonferrous metals department


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How to Cite

Кубякіна, О. В., & Косенко, В. М. (2014). Analysis of possibility of hydrometallurgical processing of lead-containing sludges. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(6(68), 28–31.



Technology organic and inorganic substances