Comprehensive evaluation of environmental hazard factors at disposal of waste using the "Ecopyrogenesis" technology


  • Людмила Миколаївна Маркіна Admiral Makarov national university of shipbuilding ave. Heroes of Stalingrad, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54000, Ukraine
  • Інна Вікторівна Тимченко Admiral makarov national university of shipbuilding ave. Heroes of Stalingrad, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54000, Ukraine



waste, utilization, ecological hazard, pyrolysis, emergency situations, hierarchy analysis method, “Ecopyrogenesis” technology, hazardous factors evaluation, environmental hazard ranking, risk minimization


The article considers the nature of the technological processes at the utilization of waste management technology "Ecopyrogenesis" on the basis of which the environmental hazard factors of technology, possible emergency situations, taking into account the industrial and fire hazard. The methods of reduction of the hazards to the environment and the effects of hazards impact are determined. The procedure based on the expert method of hierarchy analysis including the operations on the elimination of the possible incorrect decisions of experts is developed. The ranking of the environment threats according to the criteria (probability of occurrence of an environmental hazard, expected effects from the impact of the factor, quality level of the implemented technical or technological solutions to prevent the performance of this factor). The evaluation results in the identification of the most hazardous technological components of the installation, which then will help to form an optimal scheme of risk control for the purpose of their minimization. At this, the synthesis of new optimal technical and technological solutions at the design stage of such complexes will allow one to significantly reduce the possibility of emergency situations and increase the reliability of operation of all the complex of equipment of the "Ecopyrogenesis" technology.

Author Biographies

Людмила Миколаївна Маркіна, Admiral Makarov national university of shipbuilding ave. Heroes of Stalingrad, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54000

Candidate of technical science, аssociate professor,

Departments of Environmental Safety and Occupational Health

Інна Вікторівна Тимченко, Admiral makarov national university of shipbuilding ave. Heroes of Stalingrad, 9, Nikolaev, Ukraine, 54000

Candidate of technical science, аssociate professor,

Departments of Environmental Safety and Occupational Health


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How to Cite

Маркіна, Л. М., & Тимченко, І. В. (2015). Comprehensive evaluation of environmental hazard factors at disposal of waste using the "Ecopyrogenesis" technology. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(6(74), 38–44.