Development of the model of sensory control of quality at food enterprises


  • Тарас Ігорович Ткаченко Cherkasy National University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky blvd. Shevchenko 81, Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18031, Ukraine



food enterprises, sensory tests, target consumer, control of sensory characteristics, technological process.


The article suggests the model of sensory control of quality at food enterprises. The programme of continuous monitoring of sensory characteristics at a food enterprise is designed on the basis of developed appropriate criteria. In quantitative descriptive tests, the properties of sensory quality are identified using conventional scales.
In sensory programme the consumer evaluation is used to specify whether the preferences have changed in respect with the food production.
The personnel responsible for the execution of the programme of sensory control of quality include the tasting committee, which evaluate submitted samples and the sensory group, which provides the sampling, preparation and tastings, statistical processing, analysis and interpretation of results, preparation of recommendations for the administration of the enterprise.
The identification of raw materials is carried out for selected products, which are tested on parametric characteristics, changeability over the life cycle, as well as a synergistic effect on the final product.

Author Biography

Тарас Ігорович Ткаченко, Cherkasy National University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky blvd. Shevchenko 81, Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18031


Department of Quality Standards and Organic Chemistry


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How to Cite

Ткаченко, Т. І. (2012). Development of the model of sensory control of quality at food enterprises. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(6(59), 53–56.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production