Automation of calculations of the dynamics in the flotation reagent for the implementation of flotation to GOK


  • Олена Олексіївна Дмитрієва Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Environmental Problems Str. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166., Ukraine
  • Ганна Валеріївна Василенко Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Environmental Problems Str. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166., Ukraine



Flotation, flotation reagent concentration, flow chart of the program


Development of computer programs and features of its use in calculations of the dynamics of the concentration of flotation reagent for the introduction of flotation technology at the GOK, which allows you to effectively carry out multiple calculations of concentration from the influencing factors is given in this article

Author Biographies

Олена Олексіївна Дмитрієва, Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Environmental Problems Str. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Director for Research and Marketing Research, Head. Laboratory. 2.1 Environmentally safe disposal of water systems inhuman settlements and economic facilities

Ганна Валеріївна Василенко, Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Environmental Problems Str. Bakulina, 6, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166.

PhD student, researcher

Lab. 2.1 Environmentally safe drainage water management systems in human settlements and economic facilities


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How to Cite

Дмитрієва, О. О., & Василенко, Г. В. (2012). Automation of calculations of the dynamics in the flotation reagent for the implementation of flotation to GOK. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(6(58), 52–56.