Development and implementation of formalized model of mental space of project or program environment




project, program, mental space, mobile context, environment, analytic hierarchy process


Formalization of the mental space of the environment based on improving the concentric model of the mobile context that does not depend on the subject area of the project or program is proposed. It is shown that the space has four sets: global context, state context, industry context and organization context. Each set includes seven subsets: political, economic, legal, infrastructural, scientific-technical, social, natural and ecological. The content of each subset depending on the set it belongs to is investigated. It is shown that each set has a different capacity (34 - 80 elements), which in practice amounts to the fact that project manager considers a number of factors of the surrounding impact on the project or program.

Expert methods and techniques that allow ranking the influence of the subset elements in each set are proposed for the management of the mental space of the environment. Using these methods and techniques, the expert survey, best practices, creativity methods and analytic hierarchy process are selected. Application of the analytic hierarchy process is shown on the example of the project to create the first multimedial distance learning courses for the second higher education program. The example shows the ranking of sets, subsets and elements of the mental space of the environment (mobile context) to determine the relevant elements for developing measures to manage the environment (mobile context) for the successful project implementation.

Author Biography

Olena Verenych, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture 31 Povitriflotsky ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680

PhD, Associate professor

Department of project management


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How to Cite

Verenych, O. (2016). Development and implementation of formalized model of mental space of project or program environment. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(3(80), 21–31.



Control processes