
  • Віра В’ячеславівна Баришнікова Odessa National Maritime University str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029, Ukraine



marine economic complex, navigation, competitiveness, freight market, strategic priorities of development.


The article is dedicated to the strategic priorities of the development of navigation in Ukraine by improving the investment attractiveness and sustainable development of the marine economic sector of the complex. And this will contribute to accelerating the development of transport infrastructure and its integration into the modern world of transport and logistics system of cargo delivery.

 In recent times the problems of development of navigation are of particular importance due to the fact that even in times of crisis this sphere of activity was on the increase. The need to reduce the cost of goods and services in times of crisis determines the movement of production systems to the countries with low-cost resources (China, Asia, etc.). And this, in turn, has an influence on the development of transport, particularly the maritime transport, as one of the cheapest and environmentally friendly ones.

Ukraine has an advantageous geographical location, the longest coastline and sea borders among the Black Sea countries, developed network of ports, roads and railways. All these factors are the basis of great potential for development of the maritime industry. However, in recent years, the country has significantly weakened its position in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov region and the other regions of the world ocean. It is because of the general trend of "elimination" of the country from the possibilities of using the present resources of the world maritime space. 

Author Biography

Віра В’ячеславівна Баришнікова, Odessa National Maritime University str. Mechnikov, 34, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Associate Professor

The department "Management and Marketing"


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How to Cite

Баришнікова, В. В. (2013). STRATEGIC PRIORITIES OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF NAVIGATION IN UKRAINE. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(10(61), 113–116.



Integrated strategic management, project management and software development companies and territorial