Analysis of role of time in the production process in a 4D space




production process, time in a 4D space, production factors, collinearity of vectors, time increment


It was established that theory and practice of calculations of “costs-time” and attempts to examine them in a 4D space are not systemic in nature. Production process is not examined in the system, in which the result of using resources over time is not the object of an interconnected and interdependent process. Time is considered as an independent variable implicitly, which significantly narrows the possibilities of prognostic calculations when introducing advanced technologies

Entering the metric space, geometric interpretation of space-and-time, makes it possible to establish the essence of time in a specific production process. It is manifested in the fact that the system of vectors of increment in time is collinear and co-directed to the corresponding vectors of an increment in volume of works. In this case, the vector of increment in time corresponds to each vector of increment in volume of works. The infinite number of vectors of increment in time corresponds to the infinite number of vectors of increment in volume of works, which is characteristic for a specific production process, causing “compressibility” and “stretching” of the time parameter along with the changes in increments in volume of work and productivity.

The example of calculating prospective volumes of work in a 4D space, including basic production resources and time, was performed. The calculation demonstrated the possibility of a considerable (up to 40 %) increase in accuracy of determining the required parameter.

Author Biographies

Vitaly Borovik, Volgograd City Duma 11 Sovetskaya str.,Volgograd, Russia, 400074

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, аssistant to the Head of Volgograd, Сhairman of the scientific-technical expert council


Vitaly Borovik, Volgograd State Technical University Academicheskaya str., 1, Volgograd, Russia, 400074

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of construction of transport facilities


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How to Cite

Borovik, V., & Borovik, V. (2016). Analysis of role of time in the production process in a 4D space. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10 (84), 41–48.