The model of positioning homogeneous wireless sensor network elements


  • Виктория Александровна Власова Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



model, initialization, mote, homogeneous, positioning, energy efficiency


Simulation modeling is one of the basic methods of validating research. The paper presents a model of positioning elements during initialization of a homogeneous wireless sensor network (WSN) with a combined experimental and analytical cycle. Since simulation models suppose abstraction and accounting for key parameters that influence the phenomenon being investigated, a set of constraints was adopted. They allowed identifying WSN elements and their parameters, which are directly involved in determining the location of sensor network nodes. Thus, the combination of these subsystems and their interaction algorithm made it possible to implement the required simulation model. Its accuracy is confirmed by computer modeling results. The model was developed from the point of view of the characteristics and features of homogeneous field WSN and available equipment, allowing to define a wide range of applications. The simulation results confirm the hypothesis of significant improvement in the accuracy of determining the coordinates and increasing energy efficiency when using the method with a combined experimental and analytical cycle during network initialization.

Author Biography

Виктория Александровна Власова, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

Graduate student

Department "Communication Networks"


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How to Cite

Власова, В. А. (2013). The model of positioning homogeneous wireless sensor network elements. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(9(64), 44–48.



Information and controlling system