Adaptive polynomial neuronetwork predicting model of time series and its training




predicting model, polynomial orthogonal neural network, Chebyshev polynomials, ortho-synapse, synaptic weights


The relevance to develop new predicting methods is caused by their vital importance in solving various tasks of industrial, agricultural, financial-economic, medico-biologic and ecological systems.

The problem of predicting non-stationary non-linear time series under limited amount of a priori information is considered in the paper. To solve it, the method for synthesizing polynomial neural networks, which is an alternative to multilayer perceptrons and radial-basis neural networks, the use of which has several drawbacks, limiting their use in solving many practical problems is proposed. The advantage of the proposed predicting method over traditional neural networks is the ease of numerical implementation, essential reduction in time to perform the operation, this method allows to handle significantly non-stationary processes, containing both irregular trends, and sudden jumps, and allows to complicate the architecture of neural networks without the need to recalculate already adjusted synaptic weights. Training by epochs, used in training multilayer networks can be used for training such neural network. That is why, since only one hidden layer is studied, the considered neuronetwork model is still configured faster than the standard three-layer perceptron.

Author Biographies

Елена Вадимовна Мантула, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine

Postgraduate Student at the Informatics Department

Сергей Владимирович Машталир, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine, Cand. Sc. (Technology)

Associate Professor at the Informatics Department


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How to Cite

Мантула, Е. В., & Машталир, С. В. (2014). Adaptive polynomial neuronetwork predicting model of time series and its training. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(4(68), 16–20.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects