Carbon monoxide control system in industrial premises




carbon monoxide, concentration sensor, twoway circuit, adaptive tuning, modeling, monitoring


Carbon monoxide concentration control system in boiler, gas-generating, blast-furnace, open-hearth and foundry shops, based on the infrared spectrometry method is developed. The design of the optical carbon monoxide sensor, which is characterized by compactness, high sensitivity and selectivity, long service life and reasonable cost is proposed. According to the two-way circuit, the system structure, which provides the error of determining the CO concentration not less than 0.0168 % in the range from 0 to 5 % is developed.

The conducted studies of the developed system control device errors have allowed to optimize the sensor control modes and improve the accuracy of determining the carbon monoxide concentration.

Sensor tuning device in the form of an adaptive measuring system, based on the model of the adaptive correction of the characteristics of the Lyapunov transducers is proposed. The studies of the designed device have shown that the peak error value of the adaptive tuning depends on the voltage value at the sensor gate. Thus, transient is completed in the time from 0.8 s to 2.9 s, and the values of the adjustable coefficient allow to select the optimum values of the transient duration and the amplitude deviation error, maximum by the module. Also, the adaptive tuning model does not contain unwanted oscillations. The advantages of the developed system also include the ability to retune the sensor for monitoring the content of other impurities, contained in the air, such as CO2, NO, NO2, NH3, H2O2, C2H4, CH2O, CH4, CH3OH and other. The developed system can be used for carbon monoxide content control in industrial premises, air monitoring in settlements and upgrading modern medical spirographic equipment

Author Biographies

Андрей Сергеевич Сечин, Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy Lenina 226, Zaporizhzhya, 69006

Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics

Евгений Яковлевич Швец, Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy Lenina 226, Zaporizhzhya, 69006


Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics

Егор Николаевич Киселев, Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy Lenina 226, Zaporizhzhya, 69006


Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics


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How to Cite

Сечин, А. С., Швец, Е. Я., & Киселев, Е. Н. (2014). Carbon monoxide control system in industrial premises. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(9(68), 33–38.



Information and controlling system