Research of models of architectures for server applications of corporate information systems




model of architecture, simulation, integral criterion of efficiency, modified model


Analysis of existing models of architectures, used to design and build server applications of corporate information systems was conducted in the paper. Currently, corporate information systems are widely used to improve efficiency and minimize costs of administration. Modern level of various software offers of the server part of information system promotes the development and improvement of these systems.

Therefore, the task of choosing a rational model of architecture for the server application of corporate information system is urgent.

As a result of studies, it was found that non-linear models of architectures are expedient to use for corporate information systems. Modification, based on allocating from the queue those inquiries to the system, which require connection to the database for recording, was proposed. This modification has allowed to improve the system indicators such as inquiry processing time, horizontal scalability, bandwidth. Thus, more flexible model of the architecture for server applications of corporate information systems, which allows to reduce the total cost of the developed software due to more flexible load distribution on the hardware was obtained.

Author Biographies

Дмитрий Кондратьевич Михнов, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, 61166


Department of information management systems

Елена Александровна Курилина, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, 61166

Student, Bachelor

Department of information management systems


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How to Cite

Михнов, Д. К., & Курилина, Е. А. (2014). Research of models of architectures for server applications of corporate information systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(2(68), 34–38.