Research of thermal decomposition of nitrate acid water solution


  • Володимир Олександрович Пономарьов PJSC «Severodonetsky ORGHIM» Pr. Gvardeysky, 32, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93409, Ukraine
  • Григорій Іванович Гринь National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Str. Frunze, 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Віктор Гнатович Созонтов PJSC «Severodonetsky AZOT» Str. Pivovarova 5, Severodonetsk, Uraine, 93403, Ukraine



Nitrate acid, thermal decomposition, degree of decomposition, rate of reaction, reaction order


The article represents the analysis of the research results of the thermal decomposition of nitrate acid water solutions in a concentration range of 10 - 40% of mass and temperature range 473 - 573 K. The order of the reaction is 1.98 - 2.01. The dependence of the rate constant of the reaction on temperature and concentration of original acid was determined. The equations to determine the rate of reaction in the differential and integral forms were suggested. It was found that the rate of decomposition of nitrate acid water solutions decreases with temperature fall, as well as with the decrease of concentration of HNO3. The determination of the activation energy of thermal decomposition of nitrate acid – water systems revealed that as the concentration of HNO3 increases the activation energy decreases. The results obtained conform to the available literature data for similar systems

Author Biographies

Володимир Олександрович Пономарьов, PJSC «Severodonetsky ORGHIM» Pr. Gvardeysky, 32, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, 93409


Григорій Іванович Гринь, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» Str. Frunze, 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-recto

Віктор Гнатович Созонтов, PJSC «Severodonetsky AZOT» Str. Pivovarova 5, Severodonetsk, Uraine, 93403

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Scientific and technical consultant


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How to Cite

Пономарьов, В. О., Гринь, Г. І., & Созонтов, В. Г. (2012). Research of thermal decomposition of nitrate acid water solution. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(6(60), 41–44.



Technology organic and inorganic substances