Simulation of working processes in the pyrolysis plant for waste recycling


  • Ростислав Дмитрович Іскович-Лотоцький Vinnitsya National Technical University 95 Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021, Ukraine
  • Ярослав Володимирович Іванчук Vinnitsya National Technical University 95 Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021, Ukraine
  • Ярослав Петрович Веселовський Vinnitsya National Technical University 95 Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021, Ukraine



simulation, finite elements, temperature, combustion, heat exchange, recycling, turbulence, waste, velocity vector


The results of theoretical research of thermo-physical processes as key working processes in the pyrolysis plant for waste recycling by numerical simulation are given. On the basis of the three-dimensional model of the pyrolysis plant for waste recycling, developed in the CAD-system with the KOMPAS-3D V16 software, in the CAE-system with the FlowVision software, using the finite element method, the temperature distribution and other hydrodynamic parameters of working areas and surfaces of the combustion chamber and the afterburning chamber are determined, which showed the presence of complete combustion of toxic or little toxic gases of combustion products. The areas of high temperatures for further insulation are identified.

The temperature distribution of surfaces of the cooling chamber of the pyrolysis plant for waste recycling proved the conformity of parameters of the output combustion products with the regulations of thermal pollution of the environment.

The temperature distribution along the heat-exchange unit walls allowed to estimate the efficiency of the heat-exchange unit in the municipal heating system and determine the prospects for future improvement and modernization.

Author Biographies

Ростислав Дмитрович Іскович-Лотоцький, Vinnitsya National Technical University 95 Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, head of the department

Department of machine tools and automated production equipment

Ярослав Володимирович Іванчук, Vinnitsya National Technical University 95 Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021

PhD, Associate professor

Department of machine tools and automated production equipment

Ярослав Петрович Веселовський, Vinnitsya National Technical University 95 Khmelnytske shose, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21021

Postgraduate student

Department of machine tools and automated production equipment


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How to Cite

Іскович-Лотоцький, Р. Д., Іванчук, Я. В., & Веселовський, Я. П. (2016). Simulation of working processes in the pyrolysis plant for waste recycling. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(8(79), 11–20.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment