Principles of cybernetic systems interaction, their definition and classification




system, cybernetic system, dynamic system, converting system, buffering system


The class of cybernetic (dynamic) systems is defined. It is established that in the course of functioning each cybernetic system provides performance of one basic technological function. It is also established that the processes of optimizing adaptation, for systems of a converting type, can be realized only if each such system interacts with the buffering systems presented in an explicit form.

The functions combination of converting mechanism and buffering mechanism for the purpose to minimize the system equipment production costs, leads to the connected condition of converting type systems. In this case, control change of one system leads to the coordinated controls change need for all system links of a technological graph.

It is established that the channel of information exchange of simple buffering systems, within the dual dividing system, is the buffering mechanism. Information exchange between simple systems is provided by control of each stock rate simple buffering system.

Approach to design of dual buffering systems with separate control complexes will allow to provide the increased systems survivability and will simplify diagnostics of their malfunctions.

It is also established that in an interacting systems graph it is possible to allocate the object formations presented by simple systems of two types which are defined in the work as autonomous systems. The feature of such autonomous processes systems is their independence from processes that happen in other autonomous systems. Such feature provides a possibility of parallel processes implementation of optimizing adaptation.

The cybernetic systems basic classification has been developed on the basis of conducted researches.

The main conclusions presented in the work have been received as a result of a pilot study of systems interaction processes. The received results can be used by practicians for design and control, and also by researchers, in the course of creation of technologies of management of new generation.

Author Biography

Ihor Lutsenko, M. Ostrogradskii Kremenchug national unіversitet Pervomayskaya str., 20, Kremenchug, Ukraine, 39600

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Electronic Devices 


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How to Cite

Lutsenko, I. (2016). Principles of cybernetic systems interaction, their definition and classification. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(2 (83), 37–44.