Analysis of properties of modified kaolins and water-dispersion paints developed on their base




water­dispersion paint, kaolin, modification, styrene­acrylic film former, 3­aminopropyltriethoxysilane


Analysis of the effect of modified kaolins on the formation of properties of water­dispersed paints was conducted.

It was determined that, as a result of the kaolin modification by 3­aminopropyltriethoxysilane, their adsorption and physical and chemical properties (wettability and specific effective surface by water and benzene) were changed. Specific effective surface of kaolin from Glukhovetskiy deposit was increased by benzene by 26.47 %, from Prosianivskiy deposit – by 5.9 %. The same indicator by water was decreased by 26.1 % for the kaolin from Glukhovetskiy deposits and 3.4 % for the kaolin from Prosianivskiy deposit. The adsorption of acrylic­styrene polymer by respective kaolins was increased by 32.1 % and 23.8 %.

The processes of interaction of kaolins with a modifier and styrene­acrylic film former were studied; the parameters of the main characteristic bands responsible for valence fluctuations of reactive capable groups of kaolins and film former were analyzed. The results of the study demonstrated that, due to the modification of kaolins by 3­aminopropyltriethoxysilane, their polymeric philicity was increased.

The pre­modified kaolins, characterized by the most complete interaction with styrene­acrylic film former, are proposed to use as fillers for water­dispersion paints. This will ensure the higher performance properties of paints and  coatings: elasticity at the level of 2–4 mm, the edge angle of wetting at the level of 89–95 degrees, tensile strength in the range of 5.53–6.81 MPa, which is by 18–51 % larger than when using non­modified fillers. It was determined that improving the compatibility of kaolins with the film former of water­dispersion paints allow forming coatings more resistant to corrosive liquids, with low water absorption at the level of 8.1–9.7 % mass %, i. e., by 17.9 % – 10.4 lower than when adding non­modified kaolins.

Author Biographies

Nina Merezhko, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Kyoto str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Commodity science and customs affairs

Svitlana Sirenko, Vinnitsa Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Soborna str., 87, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, 21050

PhD, аssociate professor

Department of Commodity, examination and Commercial Activities

Olga Shulga, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Kyoto str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156


Department of Commodity science and customs affairs


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How to Cite

Merezhko, N., Sirenko, S., & Shulga, O. (2016). Analysis of properties of modified kaolins and water-dispersion paints developed on their base. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(6 (83), 11–16.



Technology organic and inorganic substances