Devising preventive actions in the production of broiler chickens using ultraviolet radiation for long-term storage based on risk analysis




production risks, poultry meat, ultraviolet treatment, shelf life, food safet, broiler chickens


The development of local poultry farming and import substitution are the main solutions to ensuring the safety of products in any state. For the effective development of poultry farming, it is necessary to overcome one of the constraining factors ‒ the insufficiency of a modern safety monitoring system throughout the food chain. Especially in the development of the system of deep processing of poultry meat ‒ starting from pre-slaughter keeping, cutting, preparation of semi-finished products, etc. In this regard, the current study has considered the effect of treatment with ultraviolet radiation under a non-stationary mode at such a control-critical point as the process of pre-slaughter aging in the production of broiler chickens. Additionally, this study was conducted in order to reduce the risks of increasing microbiological hazards at the production stage. As a result of the study, intermediate production control was established, and it was proved that in order to increase the shelf life of chilled meat of broiler chickens, it is advisable to sterilize with UV radiation in doses of 200 mJ/cm to 254 mJ/cm. A reduction in the risks of reproduction of potentially pathogenic microflora in poultry meat has been achieved at a cooling temperature of the carcass from +2 °C to +25 °C for no more than 135 days of risk. Research into the microbiological indicators of slaughter products of broiler chickens makes it possible to conclude that it is possible to use a given treatment in order to improve the quality and safety of finished products. Additionally, studying the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the inactivation of a number of microorganisms is very important for reducing pathogenic microbiological indicators in intermediate production control. The data reported here make it possible to prolong the period of sale and storage of the resulting product

Author Biographies

Ulbala Tungyshbayeva, Almaty Technological University


Department of Food Safety and Quality

Raushangul Uazhanova, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Food Safety and Quality

Kamilya Tyutebayeva, Almaty Technological University

Master of Technical Sciences

Department of Food Safety and Quality

Desislav Balev, University of Food Technology

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean

Faculty of Technology


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How to Cite

Tungyshbayeva, U., Uazhanova, R., Tyutebayeva, K., & Balev, D. (2022). Devising preventive actions in the production of broiler chickens using ultraviolet radiation for long-term storage based on risk analysis . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(11 (117), 53–59.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production