Getting of structurally-colored alkyd resin and its properties


  • Владимир Зиновьевич Маслош Institute of Chemical Technology East-Ukrainian National University. V.Dal Lenina st, 31, Rybezhnoe, Lugansk region, 93010, Ukraine
  • Наталья Николаевна Алексеева Institute of Chemical Technology East-Ukrainian National University. V.Dal Lenina st, 31, Rybezhnoe, Lugansk region, 93010, Ukraine
  • Ольга Владимировна Маслош Institute of Technology East-Ukrainian National University. V.Dal Lenina st, 31, Rybezhnoe, Lugansk region, 93010, Ukraine
  • Геннадий Алексеевич Клименко Institute of Chemical Technology East-Ukrainian National University. V.Dal Lenina st, 31, Rybezhnoe, Lugansk region, 93010, Ukraine



modification, azo pigments, stretching vibrations.


Colored polymers are prepared by mixing the polymer material and the dye. To obtain uniform color it is necessary to grind the dye. Some dyes have such properties as water receptivity and formation of agglomerates, which affect negatively the coloring process and require additional equipment.
Because of microcracks and tinges in pigments, some difficulties arise, when combining polymers with polymer matrix. That reduces the properties of colored polymers. The method of structural dyeing of polymers can obviate these difficulties. The aim of our work is to study the patterns of obtaining the structurally-colored alkyd resin, modified with oil. The scheme of obtaining structural-colored modified resin can be represented as follows. First, let us carry out the interesterification of pentaerythritol by oil. On the second stage, we add azo pigment to interesterificator. Then, we add the phthalic anhydride and glycerin and carry out the polycondensation up to the specified acid number.
The possibility of obtaining structural-colored alkyd resin modified with oil was shown. The structure of structurally-colored alkyd resin modified with oil was proved by IR spectroscopy and kinetic data obtained.

Author Biographies

Владимир Зиновьевич Маслош, Institute of Chemical Technology East-Ukrainian National University. V.Dal Lenina st, 31, Rybezhnoe, Lugansk region, 93010

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of

Department of Technology of Macromolecular Compounds

Наталья Николаевна Алексеева, Institute of Chemical Technology East-Ukrainian National University. V.Dal Lenina st, 31, Rybezhnoe, Lugansk region, 93010


Ольга Владимировна Маслош, Institute of Technology East-Ukrainian National University. V.Dal Lenina st, 31, Rybezhnoe, Lugansk region, 93010

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Геннадий Алексеевич Клименко, Institute of Chemical Technology East-Ukrainian National University. V.Dal Lenina st, 31, Rybezhnoe, Lugansk region, 93010



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How to Cite

Маслош, В. З., Алексеева, Н. Н., Маслош, О. В., & Клименко, Г. А. (2012). Getting of structurally-colored alkyd resin and its properties. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(6(59), 39–42.



Technology organic and inorganic substances