Maintenance program management of npp emergency protection systems


  • Oksana Saveleva Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine
  • Iraida Stanovska Odessa National Polytechnical University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine
  • Tymofiy Bibik National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 37 Peremohy ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine
  • Ekaterina Berezovska Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044, Ukraine



program and project management, NPP safety, emergency protection systems, risk management


It is found that the maintenance of a specified performance of NPP emergency protection systems is a risky program which consists of individual projects in accordance with the maintenance plan. To prevent risk situations and reduce their negative consequences, a mathematical model of the probability of catastrophic events at NPP is constructed. In accordance with the Shewhart – Deming cycle, a plan of project activities in case of risk events that may lead to an emergency is developed.

It is also found that the main attributes of the qualification maintenance program of the NPP EPS equipment are the mission and goal of the program management, as well as time and resources of the projects that make up the program. The sensitivity of the goals to uncertainties (risks) that accompany the program life cycle is confirmed.

A master plan of project activities in accordance with the Shewhart – Deming cycle is developed and supplemented by the extraordinary stage “Action”, the transition to which can occur from each of the four “normal” stages, namely from the stage of the cycle at the beginning of the negative external event.

Author Biographies

Oksana Saveleva, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Doctor of Technical Science, Associate professor

Department of Oilgas and chemical mechanical engineering

Iraida Stanovska, Odessa National Polytechnical University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044


Department of The higher mathematics and systems modeling

Tymofiy Bibik, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 37 Peremohy ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056


Department of Nuclear Power Plants and Engineering Thermophysics

Ekaterina Berezovska, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Department of Oilgas and chemical mechanical engineering


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How to Cite

Saveleva, O., Stanovska, I., Bibik, T., & Berezovska, E. (2016). Maintenance program management of npp emergency protection systems. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(3(80), 49–56.



Control processes