Involvement of physically inactive students in classes physical culture and sports, as a way of forming a healthy way of life on the example of students of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics




Purpose: Using the example of KhNURE to demonstrate that the involvement of physically inactive students in physical culture and sports is a way to form a healthy lifestyle. Material and methods: We used the studied material, which makes it possible to make a classification of physically passive people based on the conditions of characterological types. Results: the article reveals the reasons for the appearance of physical passivity among students, indicates the ways of involving them in active physical culture and sports, using the example of students of KhNURE. Conclusions: mass sports work carried out in Khnure brings high results. The old mottos "from mass to mastery" and "in a healthy body, a healthy spirit" have not lost their meaning and allow physically passive students to be involved in sports activities and sports, which is one of the means of achieving the ultimate goal - raising a healthy nation.


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— Updated on 2023-09-04


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