The use of a simulator for the fingers of the brush in the rehabilitation of patients with the consequences of cerebral strokes




нейрореабілітація, механотерапія, тестування, м’язова сила, спастичність


Objective: To improve upper extremity recovery in patients with hemiparesis due to stroke using a finger simulator. Material and methods: 50 patients with hemiparesis due to a stroke with muscle strength in the hand - 3 points and degree of spasticity - 1-2 points were selected. Two groups were formed, in the 1st group in the rehabilitation complex a simulator for the fingers of the hand was used, in the control group - not. Results: a simulator for fingers and a set of exercises were developed. Measures were taken to restore hand function to patients of both groups. The effectiveness of using the simulator was proven by tests that showed a greater decrease in spasticity and an increase in muscle strength in patients of the I group. Conclusions: the use of a simulator for the fingers of the hand in the complex to restore the function of the hand in patients with hemiparesis improves the functional capabilities of the hand in comparison with rehabilitation without the use of the simulator.


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