Neurac (Neuromuscular Activation) in cardio-vascular rehabilitation for patients with arterial hypertension




arterial hypertension, cardio-vascular rehabilitation, Neurac, Redcord, static-dynamic work, isometric load


The aim of the study: Studying influence of Neurac method on control of blood pressure in patiens with arterial hypertension. Materials and methods: For the group amount of 15 patients with arterial hypertension stage 1-2 the Neurac method was used like rehabilitation tool for treatment. Results: 65% of patients had positive response for provided treatment. For 30% of patients it was possible to reduce the dose of the medications. Conclusions: Providing of Neurac method as a non-drug treatment tool for patients with arterial hypertension helps to improve life quality of the patients, reduce the dose of antihypertensive drugs in non-invasive way.


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