The modern problem of diseases of the cardiovascular system in students of special medical groups and ways to solve it by means of physical therapy




Purpose: to consider the modern problem of diseases of the cardiovascular system in students of special medical groups and ways of solving it in the application and influence of physical therapy. Material and methods: analysis and generalization of special modern scientific and methodological literature of domestic and foreign authors, information resources of the Internet network, which made it possible to conduct a deep analysis and systematization of the modern problem of diseases of the cardiovascular system in students of special medical groups and ways to solve it by means of physical therapy. Results: the article examines the modern problems of diseases of the cardiovascular system in students who are classified according to their state of health to a special medical group, and ways to solve the problem with the help of kinesiotherapy techniques. Conclusions: analyzing the scientific and methodological literature on this issue, it became known that regular physical therapy sessions after heart and vascular diseases suffered by students are a powerful factor of therapeutic influence on the body of young people, improves the psycho-emotional state, contributes to the normalization and restoration of lost functions.




