Application of CIMT-therapy technique in cerebral palsy




The paper presents a theoretical analysis and generalization of the application of CIMT-therapy of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Currently, the problem of cerebral palsy in Ukraine is attracting increased attention due to the increasing prevalence of the disease, so there is a need for prevention and treatment of children with cerebral palsy. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the use of CIMT therapy in cerebral palsy. Material and methods of research. One of the popular approaches to treatment is involuntary therapy or motor therapy caused by restriction (CIMT). Restricted motion therapy is a practice used by physiotherapists to help restore upper extremity function in people with neurological movement disorders, which was developed for use in patients after stroke and then expanded to treat other central nervous system diseases, such as cerebral palsy. Research results. The results of the study showed that CIMT therapy for cerebral palsy improves the motor capabilities of the affected party. At the motor therapy caused by restriction activity of a brain is noted and reorganization of gray matter in bark and a hippocampus is observed. Early intervention is especially important because learning-induced brain plasticity at an early age has a unique effect on brain development. Conclusion. CIMT-therapy is an effective treatment to increase the mobility of the affected upper extremities in children with hemiplegic or monoplegic cerebral palsy by optimizing neuroplasticity.




