Swiftness movement evaluation criteria in women's rowing





rate, time and speed of one motion, the frequency of movements, time of sensorimotor reactions to sound and light stimuli


V. Bogush, S. Hetmantsev, K. Bogatyrev, Yu. Kulakov, O. Kuvaldina & Ye. Yatsunskyi

Purpose: to develop criteria for assessing the speed capabilities of the pace of movement, time and speed of one movement, the frequency of movements that ensure the performance of motor actions in certain conditions of a specific period of time.

Material & Methods: the girls, students of the Higher School of Physical Culture and university students, specializing in rowing, various age groups and sports qualification were surveyed, all 73 athletes. According to the method of measuring the effect of the training action developed by us, we studied the speed capabilities that characterize the manifestation of the quality of swiftness. On a special stand athletes made hand movements from the target to target. In the first period of the test, with a duration of 15 seconds, the athletes were to gain maximum speed; In the second period, with a duration of 60 s, it was necessary to maintain the achieved speed – distance velocity was investigated; in the third period – 15 seconds, speed endurance was determined – the athletes were supposed to perform the motor task with the maximum speed. The pace, time and speed of single movement, the frequency of movements were determined, and sensorimotor responses to sound and light stimuli were studied in modeling the conditions of training and competitive activity.

Result: formation and improvement of motor abilities in specific age ranges is caused by high rates of development of morphological and functional indicators in sensitive periods. Obtained results characterize the individual psycho-physiological characteristics of the athlete's body in the context of modeling sports activities, show a different reaction in the observed age groups, a different level of sports qualification, which makes it possible to make adjustments in improving the speed abilities and effectively manage the training process.

Conclusion: based on a comparative analysis of the studies that carried out, criteria were developed for assessing the physical quality of swiftness and its components (rate, time and speed of single movement, the frequency of movements). The proposed technique for investigating the effect of a training action can be applied for the purposeful study and development of physical quality of swiftness in the training process, as well as to determine the prospects of athletes and use as one of the constituent parts of the selection methodology at various stages of improving sports training and perfecting the level of sports qualifications.


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How to Cite

Богуш, В., Гетманцев, С., Богатырев, К., Кулаков, Ю., Кувалдина, О., & Яцунский, Е. (2017). Swiftness movement evaluation criteria in women’s rowing. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(60), 7–16. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2017-4.001


