Terminologically-conceptual problems of cognition of recreational and recreational directions of development of physical culture of our time


  • Василь Сутула




physical culture, physical recreation, physical fitness, wellness, term, concept, theory


Vasyl Sutula

Purpose: to highlight the peculiarities of the use in terms of socio-historical practice of the terms and, accordingly, the concepts of "physical fitness", "wellness", "physical recreation", and to establish their connection with the general (consensus) definition of the concept of "physical culture".

Material & Methods: are the analysis of special literature, which covers various aspects of the development of basic forms of social manifestation of physical culture, as well as a systematic and historiographical approach to the analysis of this problem. In the process of research, Google's online search service (Google Books Ngram Viewer) was used.

Results: the materials obtained with the use of the Google Books Ngram Viewer search engine indicate that the active use of the terms "physical recreation" and "physical fitness" began at the turn of the 20th century almost synchronously, however, the growth rate of the use of the term "physical fitness "were significantly higher. The term "physical recreation" in english-language publications in the relevant segments of the historical period studied is relatively rare in comparison with the frequency of use of the terms "physical fitness", "wellness" and "physical culture". The materials obtained from the use of this system also showed that in the german-language printed publications, the phrase "physical recreation" does not occur while the words "physical" and "recreation", as separate language classes, are widely used. Similar features also appear in the publications printed in French, Spanish and Italian.

Conclusions: a comparative analysis of the obtained materials suggests that physical recreation is considered in English practice as an important factor in the physical health of a person and his active longevity, as well as a significant factor in solving the problems of youth. This term began to be used in English-language practice for the name of one of the areas of leisure activities of the working and middle classes, as well as of students as a special social-demographic group. The analysis shows that by this time a holistic notion about the subject and subject area of physical recreation has not yet been formed, that the concept of "physical recreation" is rather vague, vague and contradictory.


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How to Cite

Сутула, В. (2019). Terminologically-conceptual problems of cognition of recreational and recreational directions of development of physical culture of our time. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(70), 5–12. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2019-2.001


