Functional state of the rowers on kayaks at the stage of special basic training


  • Владимир Богуш
  • Сергей Гетманцев
  • Константин Богатырев
  • Анна Тарасова
  • Юрий Кулаков
  • Евгений Яцунский



functional state, measurement of the effect of the training action, electromyoreflexometry, pneumotachometry, reversible dynamometry


Volodymyr Bogush, Sergiy Getmantsev, Konstantin Bogatyirev, Ganna Tarasova, Yuriy Kulakov & Yevgen Yatsunskiy

Purpose: conduct a comprehensive study of the functional state, the basic properties of the nervous system of athletes specializing in rowing, for the subsequent determination of perceptivity in this sport.

Material & Methods: students of the Higher School of Physical Education, specializing in rowing. Individual indicators were determined in the age group 15–16 years: 25 boys, 23 girls, in total – 48 athletes. The study of the functional state included a test measuring the effect of a training action (META), created on the basis of a tapping test, which allows to determine the complex of kinematic characteristics of movements in autonomous mode, as well as visual-motor and auditory-motor reactions, the level of muscular-articular sensitivity and coordination of movements, the power of forced inspiration and expiration were measured.

Results: the conducted studies allowed to study the functional state of athletes. In sports activities, various functional systems of the body operate in the mode of maximum possible physical exertion, while the body adapts to the external and internal factors, and an equilibrium is established between them. Dynamic observation of the functional state, taking into account the individual characteristics that determine the prospects of an athlete, allows for optimal physical performance, improve the effectiveness of the training process, which contributes to the achievement of high sports results. The preservation of the result of activity (quick start of work, maintaining speed at a distance, manifestation of endurance, general performance) with the development of fatigue is due to the formation of specific and mobile adaptive reactions, during which large fluctuations of the main parameters of the movement structure are observed, ensuring an effective solution of the motor task.

Conclusions: the proposed tests for measuring the effect of the training action, electromyoreflexometry, pneumotachometry and reverse dynamometry are quite informative in sports practice and allow us to determine and evaluate the individual prerequisites for sporting achievements. The data obtained can be applied in the training process in the preparation of athletes, taking into account the age dynamics of the development of physical qualities, somatic, sensory and vegetative systems of the body in the selection, construction and correction of the training process, the study of compensatory reactions and recovery processes in sports activities.


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How to Cite

Богуш, В., Гетманцев, С., Богатырев, К., Тарасова, А., Кулаков, Ю., & Яцунский, Е. (2019). Functional state of the rowers on kayaks at the stage of special basic training. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(71), 10–17.


