The comparative analysis of extent of influence of various factors on readiness of 14–15 age years basketball players


  • Ню Юньфей [Niu Yunfei] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, China


basketball, analysis, factor, readiness, teenager


Study of the general physical and tactical and technical readiness of young basketball players of 14–15 years of comprehensive school allowed to carry out the comparative analysis of the factors influencing productivity and motive abilities of athletes. The factorial analysis was carried out: on the basis of the analysis of matrixes of covariances and correlations, on a method main a component with use of criterion of the Kaiser and Kettel. Factors in each of age which are differently filled with a set of indicators that points to continuous development and changes in a psychophysiological and physical condition of the teenagers, indicating the need of change of the program of training of teenagers are allocated.


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How to Cite

Юньфей [Niu Yunfei] Н. (2013). The comparative analysis of extent of influence of various factors on readiness of 14–15 age years basketball players. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(35), 76–79. Retrieved from

