Modern methods of physical rehabilitation of preschool children with cerebral palsy: the version, the theory, argued (literature review)


  • Юлія Миколаївна Кривошлик [Yulia Kryvoshlyk] National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, Ukraine


cerebral palsy, physical rehabilitation, rehabilitation methods


The problem of cerebral palsy – physical (violation of basic motor functions, problems with vision, hearing, etc.) and social (inability to self-training) problem of children. It is shown that the problem of recovery of children with cerebral palsy has both medical and social importance. Conducted a systematic analysis of the literature on physical rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. Found that at present there are many methods of physical rehabilitation. All are aimed at different parts of the disease and aim one goal – social adaptation of the child. The article presents the most used worldwide methods of physical rehabilitation in cerebral palsy – Bobath-therapy, Voigt-therapy, TANDO-therapy techniques Petiot, K. O. Semenova, V. I. Kozyavkin. As well as the data on such modern techniques as dolphins and horseback riding. It is shown that all these methods are effective and help the child recover faster and how much it is possible to join the society.


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How to Cite

Кривошлик [Yulia Kryvoshlyk] Ю. М. (2013). Modern methods of physical rehabilitation of preschool children with cerebral palsy: the version, the theory, argued (literature review). Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(35), 157–160. Retrieved from

