Directions of development of physical culture are in Peoples Republic of China


  • Ван Сюємань [Van Xuemang] Hebey Institute of Physical Education, China


physical culture, directions of development, indexes of development


The analysis of programmatic-normative documents Peoples Republic of China rotined that basic directions of development of physical culture in a country it is been: physical education is in educational establishments; development of public sporting associations; athletic-sporting motion among elderly people and invalids; child-youth and reserve sport; sporting motion among villagers; building of sporting buildings; expansion of the system of sporting competitions; perfection of the system of training of public instructor. During research, consisting and prospects of development of separate components of physical culture is analysed of China. By basic social factors, help development of physical culture in China are availability of different forms of employments by physical exercises; growth of social consciousness of people is in understanding of importance of physical culture; creation of necessary terms for employments by physical exercises.


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How to Cite

Сюємань [Van Xuemang] В. (2013). Directions of development of physical culture are in Peoples Republic of China. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(35), 172–175. Retrieved from

