Marketing physical education as an element of social society (socio-philosophical analysis)


  • Сергій Олександрович Разумовський [Sergiy Razumovskiy] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


фізична культура і спорт, організація діяльності, маркетингове середовище, формування попиту, ефективне управління


System of physical culture and sport is considered as part of awareness-raising process. Investigated the relevance of student-centered and anthropocentric marketing approaches to physical education. Clarify the role of student-centered marketing methods in physical education aimed at a person and maximum individualization. Also in the article the conditions intensify the demand for services in the field of physical culture and sports. Emphasized that the high axiological importance of physical education and sport is the basis of marketing because its success is based on the existing system of values in society and is associated with positive secondary values. Examines the current state of the problems of physical culture and sport in Ukraine, with numerous negative consequences associated with a decline in physical fitness of the population. The paper analyzes the motivational core sports and sports activities, a focus on healthy living. Substantiates the value of marketing in the organization of sports and sport.


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How to Cite

Разумовський [Sergiy Razumovskiy] С. О. (2013). Marketing physical education as an element of social society (socio-philosophical analysis). Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(35), 199–203. Retrieved from

