The harmonious development of children of preschool age in the use of health of innovative technologies


  • Тетяна Євгенівна Яворська [Tatyana Yavorskaya] Zhytomyr state University named after Ivan Franko, Ukraine


bearing, ball-fitbol, fitbol gymnastics, physical qualities, children


The article considers the unconventional and Wellness approaches to the use of balls-fitbol to harmonious
development of the child of preschool age in physical education. The author studied the state of physical and mental health of children of senior preschool age; the effectiveness of the impact of fitbol gymnastics on the level of development of physical qualities of senior preschool age children; used modern methods of research and analysis of the results of the experiment; proved the effectiveness of the impact of fitbol gymnastics on the harmonious development of a child of preschool age in the process of usage of health-improving innovative technologies; considered the possibility of the introduction of the health of innovative technologies in
the teaching practice of pre-school educational establishments; the results of the research were tested in the educational process of pre-school education of Zhytomyr

Author Biography

Тетяна Євгенівна Яворська [Tatyana Yavorskaya], Zhytomyr state University named after Ivan Franko

к. фіз. вих.


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How to Cite

Яворська [Tatyana Yavorskaya] Т. Є. (2013). The harmonious development of children of preschool age in the use of health of innovative technologies. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(38), 300–303. Retrieved from


