Correlation of the concept of fatigue and endurance in the practice of sports dancing


  • Ярослава Волкова



fatigue, endurance, physical activity, sports dancing


Yaroslava Volkova

Purpose: to determine the maximum allowable load options for athletes involved in sports ballroom dancing in accordance with the specialization and age categories of athletes.

Material & Methods: the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; generalization of the practical experience of the coaching contingent working with children in sports dance groups.

Results: physical fatigue – a temporary decrease or cessation of muscle performance caused by their work. In sports practice, the signs of physical fatigue are fairly well understood. The problem of fatigue and recovery is especially relevant in sports dances, where there is a decrease in the age of athletes who enter the phase of the highest sports achievements. Therefore, the task arises of determining the maximum permissible individual load standards in order to delay the process of exhaustion of athletes, as well as increase not only endurance, but also the possibility of restoring physical, trophic and psycho-emotional forces to extend the athletic career of dancers.

Conclusions: early diagnosis of determining the initial period of fatigue is necessary to prevent wear on the human body and increase the ability of general and special endurance of the body.


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How to Cite

Волкова, Я. (2019). Correlation of the concept of fatigue and endurance in the practice of sports dancing. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(75), 105–108.


