Table tennis as method of development of co-ordinating capabilities of collegians


  • Ольга Едуардівна Коломійцева [Kolomiytseva O.] National University "Law Academy of Ukraine. Yaroslav the Wise",
  • Я. Радченко [Radchenko Ya.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,


students, engaging in table tennis, coordinating capabilities, selectivity and attracting attention


In the article the presented results of initial researches of level of development of coordinating capabilities and separate properties of attention of collegians which chose sectional employments table tennis as a form of organization of physical education. In researches 80 students took part 15-16 years (40 youths and 40 girls). The got results, in most cases, testify to the middle level of development of coordinating capabilities and properties of attention of teenagers.


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How to Cite

Коломійцева [Kolomiytseva O.] О. Е., & Радченко [Radchenko Ya.] Я. (2012). Table tennis as method of development of co-ordinating capabilities of collegians. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-1(32), 16–19. Retrieved from

