Motivation of student young people to employments by tourist activity


  • Максим Юрійович Ячнюк [Yachnyuk M.] Chernivtsi National University. Yuriy Fedkovych,


motivation, students, tourism, desire, leisure


One of the main factors decision on the choice travel is motivation. Found that the motivation of the tourist – a lot of but only some of them are weighty and can influence the outcome of the decision. To find out the motivation of students in tourism and recreation must install the motives which guide young people in their actions. Proved that the motivational sphere always consists of a number of motives, ideals and values, needs, motivations, goals, interests, etc. Conducted questionnaires of students shows that students want to actively relax, have motivational value attitude to employment tourism and recreational activities


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How to Cite

Ячнюк [Yachnyuk M.] М. Ю. (2012). Motivation of student young people to employments by tourist activity. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-2(33), 143–145. Retrieved from

