Correction of the physical and emotional state of children 6-7 years old with myopia means swimming


  • Алла Владимировна Гета [Geta A.] Poltava National Technical University,


adjustment, children, myopia, tools, swimming, physical, psycho-emotional, condition


The influence of correctional programs in swimming on physical and psycho-emotional state of children 6–7 years with myopia. The study involved 47 children who were divided into two groups: experimental and control that were identical in age, physical and psychical development. Children experimental group engaged in diving with the use of massage and gymnastics, children treated with control exercise for physical education classes at school. Number of lessons was the same, the duration of the experiment as well. Recommended for physical education programs for special schools include a specially designed program of swimming. The efficiency of the use of swimming in the program correction, revealed positive sustainable changes in the physical and psychical development of visually impaired children.


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How to Cite

Гета [Geta A.] А. В. (2012). Correction of the physical and emotional state of children 6-7 years old with myopia means swimming. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-1(32), 34–39. Retrieved from

