Research of influence of training process on the morph functional indexes of young bicyclists 13–14 years (on material ВМХ-Racing)


  • Марина Сергіївна Прудникова [Prudnikova М.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,


ВМХ, macrocycle, anthropometry, type of build, functional state


Anthropometric indexes are investigational, type of build of bicyclists 13-14 years during two circannual cycles of trainings. Changes are set in the functional state of bicyclists 13-14 years in setup and competition times under act of the specific loading and depending on the type of build. It is set on the basis of anthropometric data and descriptive signs, that for the racing drivers of specialization of ВМХ- Racing thoracic prevail and muscle types of build


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How to Cite

Прудникова [Prudnikova М.] М. С. (2012). Research of influence of training process on the morph functional indexes of young bicyclists 13–14 years (on material ВМХ-Racing). Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(31), 91–96. Retrieved from

