Study of adaptation to physical activity of young players with different levels of biological development


  • С. І. Петренко Donetsk Law Institute of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,


adaptation, young players, the work of the heart, the biological development


The article presents the analysis of the manifestations of the cardiovascular system in adolescents 12 years of age, playing football. Shows that the level of adaptation of young athletes depend on their biological age, which coincides with all passport. The best indicators of cardio-vascular system in football with an accelerated biological development. These heart rate, blood pressure and ECG parameters changes indicate a certain level of adaptation to physical stress. Young footballers with accelerated development demonstrate a high level of adaptation in comparison to their peers with normal and, especially, slow development. The conclusion about the use of the method of analysis of the cardiovascular system for individual control adolescent athletes with different levels of biological development in order to prevent fatigue and overtraining.


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How to Cite

Петренко, С. І. (2012). Study of adaptation to physical activity of young players with different levels of biological development. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-1(32), 106–108. Retrieved from

