Complex physical rehabilitation of patients suffering from gout on the resort stage


  • Ганна Валеріївна Таможанська [Tamozhanskaya A.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,
  • Марина Валентинівна Коваль [Koval M.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,


Gout, resort stage of rehabilitation, medical physical culture, massotherapy, physiotherapy


Special reperence literature on the problem of utilization of the physical rehabilitation means for patients suffering from gout is studied and analyzed. The program of physical rehabilitation is made for patients suffering from gout on the resort stage of rehabilitation which includes a remedial gymnastics, massotherapy and physiotherapy. The basic methods of medical physical culture are given for patients with gout on the resort stage of rehabilitation. The methods of valuation of effectiveaess of physical rehabilitation of patients with gout on the resort stage are grounded.


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How to Cite

Таможанська [Tamozhanskaya A.] Г. В., & Коваль [Koval M.] М. В. (2012). Complex physical rehabilitation of patients suffering from gout on the resort stage. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-1(32), 111–114. Retrieved from

