Gymnasts' anxiety and sports motivation in the training process and in the competitive period (the comparative analysis).


  • Альфія Хамзіївна Дейнеко [Deineko A.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,
  • Наталя Леонідівна Боляк [Bolyak N.] Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,


anxiety, motivational condition, psychological condition, competitive period, gymnastics


The paper presents the results of testing the level of gymnasts' anxiety and motivational condition in the training process and in the competition period, the comparative analysis is provided. The authors introduce a new indicator for research practice – the desired level of anxiety and motivational condition of the sportsman in the competitive period, modifying Spielberger's and Sopov's scale. Basing on the zoning methodology, the authors draw conclusions about the features of the psychological condition of the gymnasts, using the correlation between the level of anxiety and motivational condition of young sportsmen


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How to Cite

Дейнеко [Deineko A.] А. Х., & Боляк [Bolyak N.] Н. Л. (2012). Gymnasts’ anxiety and sports motivation in the training process and in the competitive period (the comparative analysis). Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(31), 172–177. Retrieved from

