Globalization and its influence on development of world professional tennis


  • Ольга Володимирівна Борисова [Borysova O.] National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine,


globalization, professional tennis, organization, management, commercialization, professionalization, system


In article influence of globalisation on formation of modern system of the organization of the professional tennis representing transnational association with global level of management is considered, which activity is directed on transformation of sports to the profitable commercial enterprise with culture of «super states» dominating in it (mainly to the USA), where the result of work (product  show) sale more than in 200 countries. Tennis globalization in economic, organizational, legal, technological, information, scientifically-technological, social, political and other displays has caused formation of structure of the world tennis bourgeoisie united corporate (first of all economic) interests.



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How to Cite

Борисова [Borysova O.] О. В. (2012). Globalization and its influence on development of world professional tennis. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-1(32), 117–123. Retrieved from

