Autogennaya training as method of psychological renewal of young sportsmen in a precontest period


  • В. В. Гусак [Gusak V.] Chernivtsi National University. Fedkovych,
  • Я. П. Галан [Galan Ya.] Chernivtsi National University. Fedkovych,


psychological recovery tools, combat readiness, prelaunch fever


The article highlighted the impact of autogenic training on mental condition of the young athletes to overcome the state of anxiety caused by the «prelaunch fever», the achievement of peace with the aim of improving athletic performance. The technique of autogenic regulation and presents the results of the study, which testify about its positive impact on the internal status of the young athletes, especially in precompetitive period. Outlines the prospects of the further researches, connected with the use of exercises custom «higher» level - of autogenic meditation.


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How to Cite

Гусак [Gusak V.] В. В., & Галан [Galan Ya.] Я. П. (2012). Autogennaya training as method of psychological renewal of young sportsmen in a precontest period. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5-1(32), 151–154. Retrieved from

