Level of physical fitness and the development of psychomotor qualities of students of military law faculty





students, lawyers, психомоторные internalss, physical internalss, testing


Purpose:to identify the level of the individual application of psychomotor skills and physical fitness of students of the Law University. Material: the study involved 48 boys and 19 girls 1 Course Military Law Faculty. Results: notes professionally applied physical training future military lawyer should focus on the assimilation of certain knowledge and skills, among them – professionally important psychomotor quality, providing a high degree of readiness to perform their duties. Conclusions: the level of physical fitness, which was determined by the results of the test exercises for strength, endurance, coordination, insufficient set of girls and middle men. For all tests, the level of development harkterizuyuschim psychomotor qualities (reaction time to light and sound hand, the sound leg, with a choice reaction time and individual minutes), except for the reaction time to the light footed, indicators are within normal limits.


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How to Cite

Коломійцева (Olga Kolomiytseva) О. Е. (2014). Level of physical fitness and the development of psychomotor qualities of students of military law faculty. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(39), 53–57. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2014-1.010


