Background for creation of methodical system of physical education of students in higher educational institutions


  • Григорій Петрович Грибан Zhytomyr State Ivan Franko University, Ukraine



physical education system, methodical system, methodical support, physical education, studen


Purpose:Identification of the conditions of the operation of physical education in Ukrainian higher educational institutions and creation of a methodical system of physical education of students Material: the analysis of literature on psychology and education, the analysis of program and statutory documents for Physical Education, conduct of the survey of university students. Results: We have established that the system of physical education of students depends on social, economic, spiritual and cultural factors. It is shown that physical education is one of the most important subjects in the educational system of Ukraine, which is aimed at providing and implementing educational, recreational potential of future specialist. We confirm that the current system of physical education in Ukraine is experiencing a period of searching for strategic decisions of development and requires from scientists development of new methodical support of the subject “Physical Education”. Conclusions: It is prove that upgrading the methodical system should ensure the transition from traditional educational process to a new one by using modern sports and recreation technologies.


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How to Cite

Грибан, Г. П. (2014). Background for creation of methodical system of physical education of students in higher educational institutions. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(40), 67–71.


